Monday, September 16, 2024


 ...since I used this site. I fiddled about with various ideas and plans and (as regulars know) I stayed with Wordpress.

But now, like Scarlet and, apparently, quite a few others, I have decided that Wordpress is not interested in maintaining free sites.

And a newsfeed I follow has its lead story today on the Muddle the Web has become

Idle Thoughts has always been a free site, but now they want me pay. And I notice that other hosting platforms are also looking to hit our hip pockets.

A few years ago I probably could have accepted that, but these days I find that, with more essential costs rising, my daily "living allowance" must take priority. We don't see pensions zipping up the ladder on a daily basis, do we?

Okay! That's enough moaning!

There are quite a few flowers on the passion fruit vine. 😊 And that good ol' colourful Tecomanthe hillii is hitting its stride after a couple of good showers. Yay!

The Man went to the Big Box Hardware place for some nails. On the way out he saw a sad, drooping, almost dead Phalaenopsis orchid. A little bit of TLC and ...voila!

A Vanda I've had for years." V.Pat's Delight."

Tecomanthe hillii. Been having a bit of a sulk, but suddenly-Whoosh!

I'll stop for now and promise I'll try to keep this updated. I'll also pop over to Idle Thoughts and let you all know where to find me!

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At September 16, 2024 at 8:23 PM , Blogger dinahmow said...

A heads up! I can no longer access my Idle Thoughts site, but I will try to let as many as possible know that I'm now here. I'll be grateful, maybe even grovelly, if you'd also let regulars know.Thanks, chaps!

At September 16, 2024 at 9:06 PM , Blogger savannah said...

Thanks for stopping by and letting me know where y'all are, sweetpea!! I am truly glad folks are still blogging! xoxo

At September 16, 2024 at 9:08 PM , Anonymous 63mago said...

Hey there !

At September 16, 2024 at 10:50 PM , Blogger Elephant's Child said...

Nice to see you back here. I saw that article - and agreed.
Loving your blooms too.

At September 17, 2024 at 12:51 AM , Blogger Jon said...

Welcome back to Blogger, dear Dinah!

Gorgeous blooms, as always... Jx

PS That article reminds me of this. Just more polite.

At September 18, 2024 at 12:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! I’ve found you! 🦋🦋🦋


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