...but I might just be sideways!

Wordpress is no longer sending me demands for money at my old site, but it is being EXCESSIVELY obstructive.

So I guess I'll just muddle along with Blogger. 

Right! That's settled, so ... what have I been up to? Well, the de-cluttering continues, but we still have some way to go before we go!

The Spring orchid show was a couple of weeks ago so I put on my kitchen pinny and served tea-and-tiny-cakes. In quiet moments, I wandered around and salivated over some gorgeous plants. I didn't take my camera (fool!), but there were some glorious blooms; like the third prize in the raffle! 

Oh, you want to see the first prize? Hang on...

Back home, my quisqualis is flinging itself about with gay abandon.

on and over the fence

And the goanna has found a girlfriend! They've been flinging themselves about, too. 

We are hopeful of eating home-grown passion fruit this year! At last count 8 (I think) fruits; still green, but fingers are crossed.

We've been back and forth to the vet with poor old Sporran. Injections, tablets (scratches for me) and I think she's out of the woods. Hope so!

Not much else to write about and I have chores piling-up.

State election next week so we did the early vote thing the other day and I've queued-up some Nordic noir films for when tv gets too politicky! Suspect I'll need to drown my left-inclined sorrows...


  1. If only we could grow Quisqualis here in the UK, I'd be off to the garden centre like a shot!! Jx

  2. Poor Sporran (and poor you). I hope you are both on the mend.
    Envious thoughts about your beautiful quisqualis .
    Love your goannas too. It has been years since I have seen one. An indigenous woman I worked with said that goanna drumsticks were MUCH better than chicken ones - and that there were more of them.

    1. Sporran seems to be coming right. I am used to the disrupted nights. Love the drum sticks comment!


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